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Remember the good ol' days of music?

Back when music was made to be listened to, not just played in the background while you're trying to study or work? Back when you could pick up an album and actually read the liner notes, and know who wrote that song? Yeah, we do too!

That's why Flashback Friday was born: to bring back those days. We've got all your favorite vinyl records and merchandise from the 1970s through the early 2000s, so you can relive the magic of your childhood—or discover new favorites. We're like a time machine for your ears!

We know that vinyl sounds better than digital music... You can feel music instead of just listening to it—and who doesn't love that?

Our aim is to provide the most sought after titles and service on the internet, so if you don't see what you want on our website… let us know!  And check back often—we'll be adding more titles and items every week.

Thanks for stopping by....

The Flashback Friday Team